One solution that more homeowners in South Africa are looking to is above-ground swimming pools.
We attend to and repair Hot Tub Jacuzzis in homes, B’B’s, Hotels, lodges, Spas Gyms etc. Jacuzzis can be installed Indoors, outdoors depending on your preference.
We inspect and repair problems as they arise before they get serious and costly.
We also offer services on Jacuzzi systems: Heater Elements, Blowers, Electrical boxes, Thermostats, Pump & motors, All pipework
We take the hard work out of cleaning/ maintaining your Jaccuzi, And if you do not yet have one, We are fully qualified installers!
Change Pool sand filter bags, Clinobrite, Cartage filters, Timers, Inverter Heat pumps
Replace mineral springs with Ozone system
Add suction and return lines
We specialize in all aspects of pool renovation which includes resurfacing your pool with marbelite
Pool Maid, Corobrik Pavers, Scumline Tissue Tiles, Tissue Dolphin, Salt Chlorinators
Please don’t hesitate to contact us for any details you are interested in.
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